Seminar: 圣市华人论坛讲座:SAT 和 ACT 的考试技巧和安排 - Sunday, 5/15/16
圣市华人论坛讲座:SAT 和 ACT 的考试技巧和安排
时间:2016年5月15日 星期天下午两点到三点半。 Time: May 15th, Sunday 14:00pm to 15:30pm
Address: St. Louis Modern Chinese School
6710 Clayton Road Richmond Heights MO 63117
内容 Topics:
1. SAT 和ACT 的要求,用途和区别 Differences between the SAT and ACT;
2. 华裔必须要比其他族裔考分高才能上同样的大学 How to overcome the Asian disadvantage during college applications;
3. 新东方式的学习方法和效果 Explore Xing Dong Fang techniques versus intuitive learning;
4. 怎样督促孩子在暑假中提高成绩 Learn about the financial benefits of a better test score, and how to get your child to care.
Speaker: Sonya Liu
Sonya has one year SAT and ACT teaching experience and has almost scored perfectly on the SAT and ACT.
时间:2016年5月15日 星期天下午两点到三点半。 Time: May 15th, Sunday 14:00pm to 15:30pm
Address: St. Louis Modern Chinese School
6710 Clayton Road Richmond Heights MO 63117
内容 Topics:
1. SAT 和ACT 的要求,用途和区别 Differences between the SAT and ACT;
2. 华裔必须要比其他族裔考分高才能上同样的大学 How to overcome the Asian disadvantage during college applications;
3. 新东方式的学习方法和效果 Explore Xing Dong Fang techniques versus intuitive learning;
4. 怎样督促孩子在暑假中提高成绩 Learn about the financial benefits of a better test score, and how to get your child to care.
Speaker: Sonya Liu
Sonya has one year SAT and ACT teaching experience and has almost scored perfectly on the SAT and ACT.
[5/11/2016 7:11:02 PM]