Seminar: 中国家庭在美国教育子女的挑战 Sunday, Nov. 17th, 2013
Seminar: 中国家庭在美国教育子女的挑战 Sunday, Nov. 17th, 2013
When: Nov. 17th, 2013 from 3:20 to 4:10 pm
Where: SLMCS Room 2309
主讲(Speaker):吴陈安 An Chen Wu
• 中国家庭在美国教育子女的挑战
• 父母能給子女最好的礼物
• 教育子女的理念
Mrs. An C. Wu obtained her MA degree in counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary at St. Louis. Presently she is serving as a counselor (PLPC) at Fee Fee Baptist Church Counseling Service. She provides counseling to people with needs in areas like communication, marital relationship, parenting, and emotional health issues.
吳陳安女士畢業於聖約神學院(位於聖路易斯市),取得該校的心理輔導碩士學位。目前,她服務於Fee Fee浸信會的心理輔導服務部門,提供有關溝通,婚姻關係,親子關係,及情緒健康各方面的心理協談。
This is open class for 子女教育与导向讲坛 (Parenting Strategy and Tactics Forum)
When: Nov. 17th, 2013 from 3:20 to 4:10 pm
Where: SLMCS Room 2309
主讲(Speaker):吴陈安 An Chen Wu
• 中国家庭在美国教育子女的挑战
• 父母能給子女最好的礼物
• 教育子女的理念
Mrs. An C. Wu obtained her MA degree in counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary at St. Louis. Presently she is serving as a counselor (PLPC) at Fee Fee Baptist Church Counseling Service. She provides counseling to people with needs in areas like communication, marital relationship, parenting, and emotional health issues.
吳陳安女士畢業於聖約神學院(位於聖路易斯市),取得該校的心理輔導碩士學位。目前,她服務於Fee Fee浸信會的心理輔導服務部門,提供有關溝通,婚姻關係,親子關係,及情緒健康各方面的心理協談。
This is open class for 子女教育与导向讲坛 (Parenting Strategy and Tactics Forum)
[11/12/2013 10:07:50 PM]