St. Louis Modern Chinese School 圣路易现代中文学校
Chinese Education and Culture Center in St Louis

Call for SLMCS Parent Committee

Dear Parents, Students and Teachers,

Our school has been managed and operated by volunteers including Board of Directors (aka DSH) and School Management Team (aka LSH) for the past 15 years. With the new possession of our own building and its facilities, the school needs all of you more than ever to help and share the responsibilities to enhance the communications among the students, the school administration and teachers, to promote and support the best educational experience through learning Chinese language and culture, and to encourage more parent participation in fund raising and other sustainable activities.

An organizing team is formed by three representatives each from the Board, LSH and volunteers. The purpose of the team is to initiate the process and aid to form the first Parent Committee and then will be dissolved without any involvement. We will proceed by following the guidelines of current SLMCS Bylaw (see Appendix I):

Parent Committee

Membership shall be automatically granted to all parent or guardian of SLMCS, adult students plus teachers.

Non-profit, non-sectarian and non-partisan organization

Duties and Terms:
Refer to Appendix I

General Process:
• Each officially-registered children classes will elect one or two parents;
• Each officially-registered adult classes will elect one or two adult students;
• Notify class teachers about your willingness to serve and fill up the contact form (see Appendix II) ASAP;
• School teachers are encouraged to join the committee by electing one representative each grade group for regular Chinese courses, one for special or bilingual group, one for parent elective classes and one for children elective area at least;
• The Organizing Team is responsible for collecting the results and forms;
• Further discussion, and voting will be performed with allowing one voting privilege per household to elect the major Committee members, which include one Chair, one Vice Chair and one Treasure Officer at least, plus grade leaders;
• The Chairs of Parent Committee are not the current members of DSH or LSH;
• SLMCS will make an official announcement once it is formed and the term for starts immediately through spring 2013. It will be re-elected in May 2013 according to the Bylaw.

The Parent Committee is expected to perform duties specified in the Bylaw, but not limited to those and section Article V is subject to change with the approval of the Board.

The school and your children need you to take actions to support with giving your talent, skills and passion. Please do not miss such challenging opportunity to join the Parent Committee. Your support and engagement is greatly appreciated. And looking forward to hearing from you!

Parent Committee of Organizing Team
on behalf of SLMCS Board, LSH and Volunteers

Please see this for detail and the Chinese version.

Click here for more detail: [docs/Call_for_SLMCS_Parent_Committe_2012.docx]