- Lantern Festival - 02-15-2025 Saturday 2025 年元宵节庙会. [Read More] [2/2/2025]
- Lantern Festival - 02-15-2025 Saturday 2025 年元宵节庙会. [Read More] [2/2/2025]
- Chinese Language Corner 中文角. [Read More] [1/19/2025]
- 2025 New Year Gala 蛇年春节晚会. [Read More] [12/26/2024]
- ACT Winter Camp. [Read More] [12/15/2024]
- 圣路易现代中文学校年度募捐倡议书 || Please Help Our School!. [Read More] [12/15/2024]
- 2025 春季学期新课介绍. [Read More] [12/15/2024]
- 2024年度募捐倡议. [Read More] [12/1/2024]
- (New* Dec-2024) 圣路易现代中文学校年度募捐倡议书 || Please Help Our School!. [Read More] [11/28/2024]
- (New* Nov-2024) 圣路易斯现代中文学校招聘舞蹈老师. [Read More] [11/11/2024]
- (New* Nov-2024) 圣路易斯现代中文学校招聘美术老师. [Read More] [11/10/2024]
- “星光灿灿,唱响金秋”中秋音乐会圆满成功. [Read More] [10/13/2024]
- 星光灿烂.唱响金秋 圣路易华人庆中秋演唱会. [Read More] [8/27/2024]
- SLMCS 2nd Floor Layout Plan. [Read More] [8/16/2024]
- 2024 Classroom Assignment. [Read More] [8/16/2024]
- School starts this week 8-18-2024 | 2024年秋季学期开学. [Read More] [8/16/2024]
- School starts this weekend 8/18/24 || 2024年秋季学期开学通知. [Read More] [8/13/2024]
Register now!. [Read More] [8/4/2024]- Enroll in 2024 Summer Camp. [Read More] [6/25/2024]
- Introducing 2024 Fall Class -1. [Read More] [5/14/2024]
- Year of the dragon Lunar New Year Celebration with Food and Culture Performances. [Read More] [1/31/2024]
- Due to snow and extremely low temperatures, both in-person and virtual classes are cancelled on Sunday Jan. 14, 2024. Snow makeup date: May 12, 2024.. [Read More] [1/14/2024]
- Fall Semester Starts 8/20/2023
中秋音乐晚会购票. [Read More] [8/19/2023] - 2023 中秋音乐晚会. [Read More] [8/19/2023]
- 2024 Lunar New Celebration. [Read More] [12/24/2022]
- 好消息,2023 春季新课介绍. [Read More] [12/14/2022]
共建华校 繁荣社区募捐倡议书
Annual Giving
. [Read More] [11/23/2022]- 中秋美食节 9/10/2022 - Sold out. [Read More] [8/29/2022]
- 2022 Fall Semester News. [Read More] [8/19/2022]
- Open House 8/20/2022 Sat, 1:30-4:30 pm. [Read More] [8/19/2022]
- Summer Camp Registration
Open Now!. [Read More] [4/5/2022] - 2022 圣市春晚直播
虎年新春义卖 . [Read More] [1/29/2022] - 退课申请表Course Drop Request Form. [Read More] [1/29/2022]
- Fall 2022 Calendar. [Read More] [1/17/2022]
- 紧急通知 Urgent Notice 春季开学推迟2周 Spring Semester Starts on Jan. 21, 2022. [Read More] [1/6/2022]
- Spring 2022 New Course Offerings. [Read More] [12/28/2021]
- Open Registration for Spring 2022
Classes StartJan 7, 2022
Jan 21th, 2022. [Read More] [12/20/2021] - 2021 Presidential Service Award Application Deadline 10/25/2021. [Read More] [10/12/2021]
Free Clinic Oct. 16, 2021CANCELLED
. [Read More] [10/12/2021]- 巧手织爱心 --2021 秋季现代中文学校青少年手工工作坊火热招生. [Read More] [9/25/2021]
- 2021 Fall Class Series 5. [Read More] [8/25/2021]
- 2021 Fall Class Series 4. [Read More] [8/25/2021]
- 2021 Fall Class Series 3. [Read More] [8/25/2021]
- 2021 Fall Class Series 2. [Read More] [8/18/2021]
- 2021 Fall Class Series 1. [Read More] [8/18/2021]
- Fall semester starts Aug 27. [Read More] [7/18/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 8 - 快乐暑假 快乐中文. [Read More] [5/28/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 7 - 瑜伽普拉提, 形体体能. [Read More] [5/24/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 6 - 英文写作,爵士舞,二胡,唐诗选读. [Read More] [5/20/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 5 - Electronics STEM Lab 青少年电子工程实验课. [Read More] [5/19/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 4 - 中国民间舞蹈. [Read More] [5/17/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 3 - 乒乓球. [Read More] [5/16/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 2 - 摄影艺术欣赏. [Read More] [5/15/2021]
- 2021 Summer Series 1 - 击剑, 少林功夫, 亲情中华夏令营. [Read More] [5/14/2021]
- Open Registration for Summer Classes. [Read More] [5/5/2021]
- FBI 威胁和恐吓应对指南. [Read More] [4/5/2021]
- St Louis Asian American Community In Mourning and Solidarity for Atlanta Victims. [Read More] [3/22/2021]
- STL Asian American Community Vigil for Victims of Atlanta Anti-Asian Shootings. [Read More] [3/20/2021]
- SLMCS Bi-lingual Chinese Program. [Read More] [1/5/2021]
- Open Registration For Spring 2021
Chinese Dance Odyssey 精品舞蹈课
My Chinese School and I 征稿活动. [Read More] [12/19/2020] - 2021 Spring Semester New Class Introduction. [Read More] [12/19/2020]
- 社区医疗服务日 Health Fair 健康检查. 11/1. [Read More] [10/24/2020]
- Free Clinic 11/14. [Read More] [10/24/2020]
- 2020 Presidential Service Award Application Deadline 10/31/2020. [Read More] [10/17/2020]
- Request for Tuition Refund. [Read More] [10/14/2020]
- 社区医疗服务日 - 免费流感疫苗, 免费新冠测试 Free Flu Shot and COVID-19 Testing at SLMCS - 11/1/2020. [Read More] [10/13/2020]
- 秋季学年注册问题网上答疑 - Registration Q&A Zoom Meeting. [Read More] [8/11/2020]
- 2020秋季学期现代中文学校新课程介绍 - Fall Class Introduction. [Read More] [7/31/2020]
- St. Louis Modern Chinese School Dominated 2020 Math League Contests Again. [Read More] [6/30/2020]
- 圣路易现代中文学校竞赛数学代表队再度称霸. [Read More] [6/30/2020]
- 圣路易华人社团向圣路易非裔社区捐赠PPEs. [Read More] [6/22/2020]
- Open for Fall Semester Online Registration
SLMCS Cloud Gala 2020. [Read More] [6/12/2020] - Summer 2020 Drop Class Link 2020夏季学期退课链接. [Read More] [6/7/2020]
- SLMCS夏季学期问答. [Read More] [5/21/2020]
- 2020夏季学期现代中文学校新课程介绍 - Summer Class Introduction. [Read More] [5/14/2020]
- Open registration Now!
United, We Are Strong! St Louis. [Read More] [3/19/2020] - Free Chinese Clinic 免费中文诊所 (3-2-20). [Read More] [3/5/2020]
- 圣路易斯支援武汉简报(2-27-20). [Read More] [2/27/2020]
- 武汉中心医院呼吸机捐赠小记. [Read More] [2/24/2020]
- 圣路易斯支援武汉简报(2-19-20). [Read More] [2/19/2020]
- 圣路易斯支援武汉简报(2-15-20). [Read More] [2/15/2020]
- 圣路易斯支援武汉简报(2-14-20). [Read More] [2/14/2020]
- St Louis For Wuhan Fundraising Campaign update 2/14/2020. [Read More] [2/14/2020]
- St Louis For Wuhan Fundraising Campaign update 2/12/2020. [Read More] [2/12/2020]
- St Louis For Wuhan Fundraiser Report (2-11-20). [Read More] [2/11/2020]
- 武汉加油. [Read More] [2/11/2020]
- St Louis For Wuhan Fundraising Campaign update 2/10/2020. [Read More] [2/10/2020]
- St Louis For Wuhan Fundraising Campaign update 2-9-2020. [Read More] [2/9/2020]
- St Louis for Wuhan Fundraiser Campaign Update - 2-8-2020. [Read More] [2/8/2020]
- 支 援 武 汉 倡 议 书 Donate to Wuhan. [Read More] [1/26/2020]
- 【圣市华人论坛】举办《家庭财富终身规划》华助公益讲座. [Read More] [1/11/2020]
- School Starts 1/5/2020. [Read More] [12/23/2019]
- 2020春季才艺教师及课程系列介绍 - New Classes Intro. [Read More] [12/21/2019]
- Open Online Registration Now. [Read More] [12/20/2019]
- 亚裔青年社会参与系列讲座 2019/2020 Civic Engagement Talks Series. [Read More] [12/5/2019]
- FREE CLINIC 圣路易斯中国免费保健所. [Read More] [12/5/2019]
- Hsu Ginseng Fundrasier 美国许氏参业集团义卖募捐. [Read More] [11/19/2019]
- SLMCS 2019 Math League Contest News. [Read More] [10/21/2019]
- 圣路易现代中文学校修换空调专项募捐倡议书. [Read More] [10/2/2019]
- 现代中文学校 2019年8月31日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请 (VISA Application). [Read More] [8/20/2019]
- 2019秋季学期 中文学校才艺教师及课程系列介绍. [Read More] [7/18/2019]
- SLMCS Open House on July 28th, 1:30 - 4:00 pm. [Read More] [7/15/2019]
- School Starts August 25th
Online registration now!. [Read More] [7/3/2019] - 捷报! - 我校青少年作品在北京侨联举办的书画大赛中获奖!. [Read More] [5/5/2019]
- 圣路易斯现代中文学校2019年演讲比赛获奖名单 - SLMCS 2019 Speech Competition Results. [Read More] [4/17/2019]
- 圣路易现代中文学校《汉语大乐园》夏令营 Online registration for Chinese Culture Summer Camp!. [Read More] [3/19/2019]
- 适合初高中生的征文比赛及领导力培训营 报名从速!!. [Read More] [3/19/2019]
- 华助公益讲座:中老年男性和女性泌尿道疾病的预防和治疗. [Read More] [2/26/2019]
- Seminar: New Tax Law Highlights. [Read More] [2/17/2019]
- 亲情中华 - 圣路易斯华裔青少年书画展圆满落幕. [Read More] [2/17/2019]
- 圣路易斯中国免费保健诊所 (SLU FREE CHINESE CLINIC) - Sunday, 2/10/19. [Read More] [2/4/2019]
- 圣路易现代中文学校 - 美国许氏参业集团募捐销售. [Read More] [1/19/2019]
Chinese Clinic This Sunday, 1/13/19(Cancelled). [Read More] [1/8/2019]- On-line registraton opened
on 12/20/2018 at 8:00 PM
pay tuition by 1/21/2018 to avoid late fee. [Read More] [12/20/2018] - 2019 中文学校才艺教师及课程系列介绍 III - (视频游戏开发编程入门). [Read More] [12/18/2018]
- 2019 中文学校才艺教师及课程系列介绍 II - (Street Dance). [Read More] [12/18/2018]
- 2019 中文学校才艺教师及课程系列介绍 I - (视觉艺术课程). [Read More] [12/18/2018]
- 现代中文学校诚邀您的加盟!. [Read More] [12/2/2018]
- 【圣市华人论坛】美国医疗保险与社会福利. [Read More] [11/13/2018]
- 圣市华人论坛:《鉴赏与收藏》之“一幅画的变幻看宫廷内斗剧". [Read More] [11/5/2018]
- 圣市华人论坛: ”寫意花鳥入門及創作”. [Read More] [10/17/2018]
- 好消息! 亲情中华 - 圣路易斯华裔青少年书画展 - 征集启事. [Read More] [10/16/2018]
- 侨报第七届美国少年儿童中文大赛 - 报名截止日期2018年10月15日. [Read More] [10/11/2018]
- 现代中文学校 2018 年10月20日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请 (VISA Application). [Read More] [10/10/2018]
- 讲座: 美国大学申请近期的新变化. [Read More] [10/4/2018]
- Chinese Clinic on Sunday, 10/14/18. [Read More] [10/3/2018]
- 圣路易斯华助中心与圣市华人论坛联合举办公益讲座: 中医如何看待西医的病. [Read More] [9/6/2018]
- President's Letter to Students, Parents, Teachers, and Administrators. [Read More] [8/23/2018]
- 好消息!!! 中医关怀惠侨巡诊通知. [Read More] [8/23/2018]
- 通告:总领馆将赴密苏里州提供现场办证服务. [Read More] [8/23/2018]
- 现代中文学校即日起隆重推出全新数学和绘画课程. [Read More] [8/23/2018]
- 2018-2019 学年度秋季学期中文学校和才艺学校新增课程介绍. [Read More] [7/15/2018]
- Online registration will be closed Aug 31
School will be closed on Sept 2 for holiday. [Read More] [7/8/2018] - 2018年毕业典礼暨汇报演出(GALA)- Photo and Video Links. [Read More] [5/15/2018]
- 圣市华人论坛: 车的故障判断及保养. [Read More] [5/6/2018]
- 【华助公益系列讲座】颈椎病的穴位自疗和运动处方. [Read More] [4/19/2018]
- 圣路易现代中文学校2017 - 2018学年演讲比赛结果. [Read More] [4/2/2018]
- 圣市华人论坛讲座: 中国十大传世名画系列讲座之一《韩熙载夜宴图》. [Read More] [3/30/2018]
Chinese Culture Summer Fun Camp
Registration Now!
Open House Sunday(6/10) 2-4pm. [Read More] [3/14/2018]- 【圣市华人论坛】如何在美国贷款?. [Read More] [3/8/2018]
- 圣市华人论坛: 怎样选医疗保险. [Read More] [2/20/2018]
- 2018 CSAUS 夏令营. [Read More] [1/16/2018]
- 圣路易斯中国免费保健诊所 (SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY FREE CHINESE CLINIC) - Sunday, 2/10/19. [Read More] [1/9/2018]
- Due to weather condition, all classes are cancelled for today (1/7/2018). [Read More] [12/11/2017]
- 圣市华人论坛讲座:宋代花鸟画的欣赏与学习. [Read More] [11/28/2017]
- 圣市华人论坛讲座:黄帝内经简介. [Read More] [11/14/2017]
- 2017年现代中文学校募捐号召. [Read More] [11/12/2017]
- 藤爸疼妈俱乐部及圣市华人论坛联合举办讲座:围绕耶鲁谈常春藤. [Read More] [11/6/2017]
- Seminar: 美国医疗保险与就医 10/20. [Read More] [10/18/2017]
- 现代中文学校2017 年月10月21日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application). [Read More] [10/11/2017]
- SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY FREE CHINESE CLINIC - Sunday, 10/1/17. [Read More] [9/27/2017]
- SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY FREE CHINESE CLINIC - Sunday, 9/17/17. [Read More] [9/14/2017]
- 【圣市华人论坛讲座】美国形形色色的非处方药. [Read More] [9/8/2017]
- SLMCS will close on 9/2 and 9/3
Have a great weekend. [Read More] [8/28/2017] - 齐鲁美食节晚宴订票,请点击进入订票. [Read More] [8/20/2017]
- 2017 “水立方杯”海外华人中文歌曲大赛 - 圣路易斯孩子演唱中国歌曲. [Read More] [8/16/2017]
- 好消息! 中国侨联亲情中华北美慰侨巡演首访圣路易斯!. [Read More] [8/16/2017]
- 中华美食源远流长 齐鲁精品与您相约 - 齐鲁美食节信息与购票方式. [Read More] [8/16/2017]
- 现代中文学校2017 年月8月5日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application). [Read More] [7/25/2017]
- 2017-2018 学年度秋季期才艺校新增课程介绍. [Read More] [7/21/2017]
- Online Registration Open Now
New semester class starts
this Saturday/Sunday (Aug 19/20). [Read More] [7/7/2017] - 四川成都的夏令营加 - 10个营员加1个领队. [Read More] [5/16/2017]
- 美国大学标准考试的变化和对策. [Read More] [5/8/2017]
- 圣市华人论坛讲座:争分夺秒治中风. [Read More] [5/1/2017]
- 圣路易现代中文学校建校二十周年纪念照片征集. [Read More] [4/19/2017]
- 现代中文学校 2017 年4月29日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请 (VISA Application). [Read More] [4/19/2017]
- 中华文化大乐园夏令营课程设置选课. [Read More] [4/11/2017]
- 圣市华人论坛: 你对自己的亲密关系满意吗?. [Read More] [4/6/2017]
- 讲座:学区及公立,私立学校的选取. [Read More] [3/19/2017]
- 现代中文学校 2017 年3 月25日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请 (VISA Application). [Read More] [3/6/2017]
- 圣市华人论坛讲座:谈谈合理省税避税应该注意的事项和行之有效的“技巧”. [Read More] [2/22/2017]
- 金鸡报晓 百花迎春 正月十五闹元宵 ——圣路易现代中文学校2017年Family Night闹元宵联欢会. [Read More] [2/16/2017]
- Summer Camp Registration Open Now!. [Read More] [2/14/2017]
- SLMCS closed on 1/14 and 1/15. [Read More] [1/14/2017]
- SLMCS is closed
this weekend (1/14 & 1/15). [Read More] [1/14/2017] - 现代中文学校 2017 年1月21日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application). [Read More] [1/11/2017]
- 全美中文学校协会2017年夏令营. [Read More] [1/10/2017]
- 2017年春季新增课程. [Read More] [12/30/2016]
- Chinese New Year Gala 2017 St. Louis 圣路易斯2017年春晚 - 欢乐春节 美丽江西. [Read More] [12/18/2016]
- Open for Registration Now!
Spring Semester Starts 1/7/2017. [Read More] [12/17/2016] - 圣市华人论坛讲座: 政府医保福利在新形势之下持续和变化 Seminar: Perspective of Medicare and Medicaid - Sunday, 12/4/16. [Read More] [12/1/2016]
- 圣路易长江艺术团开始征收团员. [Read More] [11/22/2016]
- 2016年现代中文学校募捐号召. [Read More] [11/15/2016]
- 圣市华人论坛讲座 11/20/2016: 徐悲鴻的藝術及新書簽名會. Seminar and new book signing event: Galloping Horses: Artist Xu Beihong and His Family. [Read More] [11/11/2016]
- Seminar: 圣市华人论坛讲座:疼痛到底是什么?What is pain? - Sunday, 11/13/16. [Read More] [11/10/2016]
- SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY FREE CHINESE CLINIC 圣路易斯中国免费保健诊所 - Sunday, 2/5/17. [Read More] [11/10/2016]
- 现代中文学校11月19日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application). [Read More] [11/9/2016]
- 现代中文学校 11月19日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请 (VISA Application). [Read More] [11/8/2016]
- 圣市华人论坛讲座 Seminar: 意大利文艺复兴及其影响 The Renaissance and Its Influence - Sunday, 11/6/16. [Read More] [11/3/2016]
- SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY FREE CHINESE CLINIC at SLMCS - Sunday, 10/23/16. [Read More] [10/16/2016]
- 现代中文学校10月8日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application). [Read More] [9/28/2016]
- Voter Education Event - Saturday, Oct 1, 2016. [Read More] [9/25/2016]
- Seminar: Understanding of College Application Process - Sunday, 9/25/16. [Read More] [9/22/2016]
- Class Drop Dates. [Read More] [9/7/2016]
- School is closed this week for Labor Day Holiday. [Read More] [9/1/2016]
- 2016年8月27日赴密苏里州中国公民办证通知. [Read More] [8/3/2016]
- 现代中文学校 8月14日举办社区服务日 - 代办美国护照赴华签证服务 - 提供签证申请 (VISA Application). [Read More] [8/3/2016]
- 宁夏歌舞团圣城演出-机会难得,购票从速!. [Read More] [7/27/2016]
- 2016 秋季学年新增课程 (2016 Fall Semester New Classes). [Read More] [7/13/2016]
- Online Registration Opens Now
School Starts August 20, 2016. [Read More] [7/12/2016] - 关于调整学校课程及时间的通知 (SLMCS Curriculum Restructure Plan Notification). [Read More] [6/21/2016]
- 社区活动 - 暑期课程消息 - 暑期少年跳舞班, 暑期数学百题演练班. [Read More] [6/21/2016]
- Seminar: 圣市华人论坛讲座:SAT 和 ACT 的考试技巧和安排 - Sunday, 5/15/16. [Read More] [5/11/2016]
- 社区消息- 世界旗袍联合会《穿旗袍的女人》圣路易斯海选大会暨综艺文艺晚会. [Read More] [5/11/2016]
- Seminar: 高血压,高血脂的危害 The Dangers of Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia - Sunday, 4/24/16. [Read More] [4/22/2016]
- Seminar: Evolution of Art 艺术的演变 by Prof. 左映雪 - Sunday, 4/3/16. [Read More] [3/28/2016]
- 现代中文学校4月9日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application). [Read More] [3/26/2016]
- Seminar: Impact of electoral politics on Chinese-Americans - Sunday, 3/6/16. [Read More] [3/1/2016]
- 2016年“中国寻根之旅”海外华裔青少年夏令营通知. [Read More] [2/24/2016]
- 现代中文学校3月5日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application), 社会服务咨询. [Read More] [2/23/2016]
- Seminar: 圣市华人论坛讲座:生前信托 (Living Trust) - Sunday, 2/28/16. [Read More] [2/23/2016]
- Seminar: How to prepare Tax Returns 圣市华人论坛讲座:怎样最大限度地省税 - Sunday, 2/21/16. [Read More] [2/18/2016]
- School is closed today(2/14) due to weather. [Read More] [1/9/2016]
- 江西景德镇夏令营营员报名表. [Read More] [1/8/2016]
- Online registration now
School starts 1/9/2016
. [Read More] [12/29/2015] - 2016年选修课新增课程. [Read More] [12/28/2015]
- 2016 圣路易春晚开始售票. [Read More] [12/11/2015]
- Seminar: How to apply for Obamacare 圣市华人论坛讲座:奥巴马健康保险 Sunday, 11/22/15. [Read More] [11/17/2015]
- Seminar: How to prepare Tax Returns 圣市华人论坛讲座:怎样最大限度地省税 - Sunday, 11/15/15. [Read More] [11/11/2015]
- 现代中文学校11月7日举办社区服务日 - 提供签证申请(VISA Application), 社会服务咨询. [Read More] [10/28/2015]
- Siminar: 圣市华人论坛:怎样与青春期的孩子相处How to get along with adolescent children - Sundays, 11/1/15 and 11/8/15. [Read More] [10/28/2015]
- Seminar: 圣市华人论坛讲座:生前信托 - Sunday, 10/25/15. [Read More] [10/22/2015]
- Siminar: 乳腺癌基础知识讲座 Breast Cancer - Sunday, 10/18/15. [Read More] [10/11/2015]
- Seminar: 摄影与照相的不同 Picture Taking vs. Photography - Sunday, 10/11/15. [Read More] [10/6/2015]
- 2015护照、签证和旅行证办理活动. [Read More] [10/4/2015]
- 中华文化中心大厅落成典礼. [Read More] [9/30/2015]
- 著名作曲家乌兰托嘎,马头琴表演艺术家李波到我校做音乐讲座,介绍蒙古音乐. [Read More] [9/30/2015]
- Seminar: 藤爸疼妈俱乐部将再次举办免费大学申请讲座 How to apply colleges - Sunday, 10/4/15. [Read More] [9/27/2015]
- 古今中外茶文化風情. [Read More] [9/23/2015]
- 圣路易长江艺术团合唱团团员公开招聘面试. [Read More] [9/17/2015]
- 品美食,庆中秋,有吃有玩有热闹 10/3/2015 Chinese Gourmet Testing at Mid-Autumn Festival. [Read More] [9/16/2015]
. [Read More] [9/8/2015]- Online registration now!
School starts 8/22
. [Read More] [8/20/2015] - 华文教育”名师巡讲团中西部第一站—圣路易之行. [Read More] [8/19/2015]
- 8月15日中文学校代办签证申请. [Read More] [8/11/2015]
- 2015年秋季选修课新增课程. [Read More] [7/11/2015]
- Online registration now!
School starts 8/22
8/15 代办签证申请. [Read More] [6/24/2015] - 2015 SLMCS SPIRIT LOGO 设计大赛. [Read More] [6/15/2015]
- 才艺学校2015年度数学竞赛揭晓. [Read More] [4/29/2015]
- Parents Forum: Impact of. [Read More] [4/27/2015]
- 长江艺术团舞蹈团招生面试通告. [Read More] [4/24/2015]
- Seminar: 如何申请到最多的助学金? 你需多少钱才能退休?- College financial aid application and retirement planning. [Read More] [3/28/2015]
- St Louis Modern Chinese School Chosen by Staples Associate to Receive $5,000 Grant. [Read More] [3/25/2015]
- Classes Cancelled 3/1/2015
Rehearsal moved to 1:30 p.m.
Chinese New Year Gala
Ticket on-sale now!. [Read More] [3/1/2015] - Seminar: What our goal is to cultivate children - Sunday, 3/1/15. [Read More] [2/25/2015]
- 2015年中国夏令营. [Read More] [2/18/2015]
- Seminar: Traditional Chinese Medicine - 健康讲座. [Read More] [1/29/2015]
- Online registration closed
On-site registration Sat & Sun 1-5pm
Chinese New Year Gala
Ticket on-sale now!. [Read More] [1/26/2015] - Seminar: 互联网发展趋势,挑战及网络教育Internet future and it application in Education on 1/25/15. [Read More] [1/20/2015]
- 圣路易现代华人艺术团正式成立了. [Read More] [1/7/2015]
- 2015 新课简介 New class introduction. [Read More] [12/30/2014]
- Online class registration closed
You may register on-site, Sat & Sun 1-5pm
New Classes for Spring Semester. [Read More] [12/30/2014] - Spring Semester Starts Jan 10
Now open for registration
[Read More] [12/19/2014] - Support SLMCS through [Read More] [12/5/2014]
- Seminar: American welfare 美国福利知多少 - Sunday, Dec. 7th, 2014. [Read More] [11/26/2014]
- 圣路易斯百年影视歌曲综艺晚会就要隆重登场了!. [Read More] [11/21/2014]
- Parent Forum: Applying to Highly Selective Colleges and Universities. [Read More] [11/6/2014]
- 家长论坛专题讲座:走进艰苦,真情流露 (4) - Seminar (4) Sunday, Oct 5 2014. [Read More] [10/2/2014]
- 第三届”海外华裔青少年中华文化大赛“的通知. [Read More] [9/8/2014]
- 藤爸疼妈俱乐部及家长论坛将举办大学申请讲座. [Read More] [9/3/2014]
- 中文学校应邀参加圣路易国际文化节(FESTIVAL OF NATIONS)的演出. [Read More] [8/27/2014]
- No School on August 30th and 31st. [Read More] [8/25/2014]
- 圣路易现代中文学校网上注册火爆. [Read More] [7/22/2014]
- 圣路易現代中文學校办学特点. [Read More] [7/22/2014]
- Open for online registration now!
First Day of School: 8/16
New Classes 新课简介. [Read More] [7/22/2014] - 2014 新课简介 New class introduction. [Read More] [7/18/2014]
- Fall Class Registration Opens at
8 PM, 7/19/2014
New Classes 新课简介. [Read More] [7/14/2014] - 2014 圣路易斯中华日. [Read More] [5/21/2014]
- 现代中文学校艺星学校成功举办二零一四年乒乓球比赛. [Read More] [5/21/2014]
- 2014年度现代中文学校数学竞赛结果. [Read More] [5/21/2014]
- THE SINGERS ACTORS WORKSHOP. [Read More] [5/2/2014]
- SLMCS PTO fundraiser. [Read More] [5/1/2014]
- 家长论坛: 孩子到中文学校能得到什么收获?. [Read More] [4/16/2014]
- 社区首届大学选择信息交流会 College Selection Forum. [Read More] [4/11/2014]
- Now Registering for Summer Camp. [Read More] [4/8/2014]
- 现代化妆品及全维美容艺术讲座 - March 9, 3:30 pm. [Read More] [2/26/2014]
- 中文演讲比赛 - Chinese Speach Competition. [Read More] [2/26/2014]
- 华盛顿大学手机服务 Wash U Phone Services (WUPS) by SLMCS alumnus. [Read More] [2/26/2014]
- 圣路易现代中文学校荣誉当选中国海外华文教育示范学校. [Read More] [1/29/2014]
- Open class: What is art - Nov. 24th, 2013. [Read More] [11/19/2013]
- Seminar: 中国家庭在美国教育子女的挑战 Sunday, Nov. 17th, 2013. [Read More] [11/12/2013]
- Open class: 好习惯成就孩子的一生 - Sunday, Nov. 10th, 2013. [Read More] [11/6/2013]
- Seminar: 中国留学生来美读书的若干法律问题. [Read More] [10/29/2013]
- OCA‐STL Youth Leadership Award Application. [Read More] [10/9/2013]
- Seminar: 公立高中和私立高中的比较和选择 - Sunday, Oct. 20th, 2013. [Read More] [10/8/2013]
- Seminar: Increasing Energy Levels through Chinese Medicine & Chiropractic care - 9/29/2013. [Read More] [9/20/2013]
- Seminar: Increasing Energy Levels through Chinese Medicine & Chiropractic care - 9/8/2013. [Read More] [9/5/2013]
- Observing Labor Day Weekend
No classes on 8/31 and 9/1!. [Read More] [8/13/2013] - Chinese Teaching Skill Workshop
Sunday 8/11. Register Now!. [Read More] [8/5/2013] - Open House Saturday 10am - noon. [Read More] [8/3/2013]
- New Class Opened for High School Students. [Read More] [7/30/2013]
- 海外华文教育名师巡讲团莅临圣路易斯!. [Read More] [7/26/2013]
- 子女教育与导向讲坛. [Read More] [7/26/2013]
- 龙行万里路,遥寄故乡情. [Read More] [7/21/2013]
- Fall Classes Start on 8/17/2013 Online registration opens at 8 pm 7/26. [Read More] [7/21/2013]
- SLMCS classes are cancelled today (3/24/2013). [Read More] [3/24/2013]
- Seminars: Investment Advice 2013 and How to Prepare for College - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013. [Read More] [3/3/2013]
- Seminar: Life Insurance 101 - (Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013). [Read More] [2/12/2013]
- 2013 Chinese New Year Celebration on Saturday 2/16/2013. [Read More] [2/5/2013]
- Seminar: How To Be a Successful House Buyer - Sunday, 1/27/2013. [Read More] [1/24/2013]
- 2013 Chinese New Year Celebration (2/16/2013). [Read More] [1/15/2013]
- Seminar: 9 Big Mistakes When Saving for Retirement - Sunday, 1/13/2013. [Read More] [1/9/2013]
- Seminar: Be a Productive High School Student - Sunday, Jan. 6th, 2013. [Read More] [1/4/2013]
- SLMCS Spring 2013 Registration Will Begin at 7:00 PM CDT on 12/21/2012. [Read More] [12/15/2012]
- Immigrant Youth Achievement Award. [Read More] [11/7/2012]
- Subscribe to SLMCS Mailing List. [Read More] [11/5/2012]
- New Email System. [Read More] [11/4/2012]
- Daylight saving time ends this week. [Read More] [11/4/2012]
- Seminar: 2012 Midyear Economic and Market Outlook - Sunday, 11/04/2012. [Read More] [10/31/2012]
- New Additions to Our School Leadership Team. [Read More] [10/27/2012]
- Call for SLMCS Parent Committee. [Read More] [10/26/2012]
- Free Flu Shots in Some Local Hospitals on 10/27, 11/3 and 11/17. [Read More] [10/26/2012]
- Have you eScriped?. [Read More] [10/24/2012]
- Incident on 10/14. [Read More] [10/17/2012]
- Fun Gathering. [Read More] [10/16/2012]
- Seminar: Yi Shu,The Art of Living with Change - Sunday, Oct 14, 2012. [Read More] [10/9/2012]
- Happy mid-autumn festival and win a box of moon cakes by online donation. [Read More] [9/24/2012]
- Registration form and waiver form. [Read More] [9/1/2012]
- Help us with the wish list. [Read More] [8/1/2012]
- Class schedue, class list, and school calendar published. [Read More] [6/22/2012]
- SLMCS Fall 2012 registration will begin at 7PM CDT on 6/25/12. [Read More] [6/11/2012]
- SLMCS Fall 2012 Registration is coming soon in late June. [Read More] [6/10/2012]
- Seminar: Helpful Tips for the SAT Reading, Writing, and Math - Sunday, 5/13/2012. [Read More] [5/7/2012]
- Seminar: Six Steps to a Secure Retirement - Sunday, 5/6/2012. [Read More] [5/3/2012]
- 5 Tai Ji Training Sessions for CCD performance Starting Sunday, 4/22/2012. [Read More] [4/21/2012]
- Seminar: Think Your Retirement Assets Will Support Your Retirement Dream? - Sunday, 4/22/2012. [Read More] [4/20/2012]
- Seminar: How to invest for income in retirement - Sunday, Apr. 8, 2012. [Read More] [4/4/2012]
- Our Home School Open House this Saturday March 31 at 12 noon to 2pm. [Read More] [3/29/2012]
- ÖÐÎÄÑݽ²±ÈÈüÆÀ±È½á¹û. [Read More] [3/29/2012]
- New Schedule of Summer ACT and English Writing Classes by Sunshine Tutoring Center. [Read More] [3/25/2012]
- SLMCS Tuition Refund for Spring 2012 Semester available. [Read More] [3/2/2012]
- Seminar: Help Your Kids Raise ACT/SAT - Sunday, 3/4/2012. [Read More] [2/29/2012]
- Seminar: Nine Big Mistakes When Saving for Retirement Sunday, 2/26/2012. [Read More] [2/22/2012]
- Seminar: Fundamentals of Investment Real Estate - Sunday, Feb. 19,2012. [Read More] [2/14/2012]
- SLMCS won the first place of Monsanto Grow St. Louis Contest - $15,000. [Read More] [1/30/2012]
- The latest parent duty schedule. [Read More] [1/24/2012]
- Class changes. [Read More] [1/11/2012]
- VOTE TO GROW ST. LOUIS and Vote for SLMCS. [Read More] [1/11/2012]
- Jazz Parent Group Dance class cancelled. [Read More] [1/4/2012]
- Description of new Math SAT I & Math SAT II classes. [Read More] [12/26/2011]
- 2012 spring semester registration starts on 12/28/11. [Read More] [12/26/2011]
- Report about 2011 SLMCS Chinese SAT exam result. [Read More] [12/25/2011]
- Seminar: Xu Beihong(Ð챯ºè): Pioneer of Modern Chinese Painting - Sunday, 12/11/2011. [Read More] [12/10/2011]
- Seminar: 529 Plans and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts - 12/4/2011. [Read More] [11/30/2011]
- Urgent - Fundraising for our Dream School and Community Center. [Read More] [11/23/2011]
- Seminar: How To Prepare For College - Sunday, 11/20/2011. [Read More] [11/14/2011]
- Seminar: Don¡¯t let jittery markets give you the jitters - 11/13/2011. [Read More] [11/8/2011]
- Seminar: Ì«¼«ÈáÁ¦Çò½éÉÜ - 10/30/2011. [Read More] [10/28/2011]
- Free Flu Shots at SLMCS on 10/23/2011 (Sunday). [Read More] [10/12/2011]
- Please claim your tuition refund at school. [Read More] [10/5/2011]
- Seminar: Insurance Vital Coverage - 9/11/2011. [Read More] [9/6/2011]
- SLMCS class changes. [Read More] [8/25/2011]
- Seminar: ‚ä‘ðºÍÉêÕˆ´óŒWµÄ½›òž·ÖÏí (Sunday, 8/28/2011). [Read More] [8/25/2011]
- Welcome Message from the principal. [Read More] [8/15/2011]
- 2011 SLMCS Math Contest and Chess Contest Winners. [Read More] [5/17/2011]
- ¬F´úÖÐÎÄŒWУ2011”µŒWºÍ‡øëHÏóÆå±ÈÙ. [Read More] [5/17/2011]
- ÃâÙM½¡¿µ™z²éºÍ¼ÒÍ¥½¡¿µÈÕ»î„Ó (ÎåÔÂÆßÈÕ). [Read More] [5/5/2011]
- Free health screenings & family health fair on Saturday, May 7. [Read More] [5/5/2011]
- ¶Ê•þ£¬ÀíÊ•þ¬Fˆö×ùÕ„•þ (4/24/2011). [Read More] [4/22/2011]
- 2011 Speech Contest Results. [Read More] [4/3/2011]
- Seminar: Car, Home and Liability Insurance (Sunday 4/3/2011). [Read More] [3/28/2011]
- Seminar: ÈçºÎ×¼±¸ÉêÇë´óѧ (Sunday 3/13/2011). [Read More] [3/5/2011]
- Seminar: New Tax Law Changes (Sunday 3/6/2011). [Read More] [3/5/2011]
- Seminar: »Ø¹ú´´ÒµÕýµ±Ê± (Sunday 2/13/2011). [Read More] [2/12/2011]
- Seminar: Families with Special Needs (Sunday 2/6/2011). [Read More] [1/31/2011]
- Seminar: Ask a Lawyer - A Question and Answer Session (Sunday 1/30/2011). [Read More] [1/25/2011]
- Sunday Seminar (1/23): College Funding. [Read More] [1/16/2011]
- ÑîÁøºÍѦ־ºãµÄ¸ÐлÐÅ. [Read More] [1/15/2011]
- 2010ÄêÖÐÎÄSAT ¿¼ÊÔ¼òѶ. [Read More] [1/11/2011]
- Seminar: ÈçºÎ×öÒ»‚€³É¹¦µÄ¸ßÖÐÉú(How to Become a Productive High School Student) (Sunday, 1/9/2011). [Read More] [1/2/2011]