United, We Are Strong! St Louis
3月20日简报 3/20 report | 3月25日简报 3/25 report | 3月28日简报 3/28 report | 拳拳之心护卫家园 | 4月3日简报 4/3 report |
4月10日捷报 4/10 report |
Since first taking over the heartland of China, COVID-19 has been spreading all over the world, especially in Europe and Asia. Now many states and cities are witnessing a sudden surge of cases. New York, California, and Washington are the early areas to feel the heavy burden of the pandemic, draining resources in the healthcare system. In Missouri, the total number of cases remains relatively low, but there is an urgent need to prepare for the worst, especially given the known shortage of medical supplies needed to fight COVID-19.
Hospitals around the nation have issued calls for the public’s help, including for instance calls for monetary donations as well as PPEs (personal protective equipment) and supplies such as facial masks. Our St. Louis Chinese American community have a long tradition of responding to calls for help whenever we can. Let us stay united in this global fight against COVID-19; this time, we focus our attention towards delivering the needed protection to our own very best heroes in St. Louis, including doctors, nurses, police, emergency responders, volunteers and many others who are protecting our community in the frontline. Protecting them is the best way to protect ourselves!
United we can stand strong with our community! United we can heal our community and bring back normalcy!
自年初起新冠肺炎袭击了中华大地,并以极快的速度在世界蔓延开来,欧亚大陆相继沦陷。 最近在美国也开始迅速的传播起来。纽约、加州、华盛顿州也陷入困境和危机,医疗状况不堪重负。密苏里现在虽然感染人数比较低,但是医疗资源非常缺乏,一旦大规模疫情发生时,社区大众, 尤其是医护人员的安全令人堪忧。
Hospitals around the nation have issued calls for the public’s help, including for instance calls for monetary donations as well as PPEs (personal protective equipment) and supplies such as facial masks. Our St. Louis Chinese American community have a long tradition of responding to calls for help whenever we can. Let us stay united in this global fight against COVID-19; this time, we focus our attention towards delivering the needed protection to our own very best heroes in St. Louis, including doctors, nurses, police, emergency responders, volunteers and many others who are protecting our community in the frontline. Protecting them is the best way to protect ourselves!
United we can stand strong with our community! United we can heal our community and bring back normalcy!
自年初起新冠肺炎袭击了中华大地,并以极快的速度在世界蔓延开来,欧亚大陆相继沦陷。 最近在美国也开始迅速的传播起来。纽约、加州、华盛顿州也陷入困境和危机,医疗状况不堪重负。密苏里现在虽然感染人数比较低,但是医疗资源非常缺乏,一旦大规模疫情发生时,社区大众, 尤其是医护人员的安全令人堪忧。
具体流程如下(About Our Process):
募资:由各个负责人通过多地多渠道进行募资行动,最后由圣路易现代中文学校统一收集并购买相应医用防护用品捐赠给需要的防疫第一线机构。欢迎大家一起加入。欢迎朋友们群策群力,如有意入群或出谋划策,请与您熟悉的负责人联系。 Donations are now being collected online through a variety of outreach efforts, including other area community organizations, local Chinese news organizations, and social media platform. The Chinese Education and Culture Center in St Louis will collect and purchase the donation items and pass on needed organizations and individuals. We call on all the local community members and organizations to join us with your ideas and donations.
To ensure transparency in our fundraiser campaign, we welcome individuals and organizations to help us safeguard our process. Those interested in volunteering are welcome to join and contribute however you can.
组委会主要联系人及联系方式(Please send your inquiries to one of our volunteer team):
总负责人(Campaign Managers): 黄颖文(Yingwen Huang) 314-452-1322 朱一民(Yimin Zhu) 314-374-3433
财务组(Finance Team): 张柳(Liu Zhang) 636-328-4211 王丽丽(Lili Wang) 636-541-5932 王红霞(Hongxia Wang) 314-250-9996
外联组(Outreach Team): 刘敏(Min Liu) 610-737-5765 南海燕(Helen Nan) 314-308-8142 嘉敏 (Jiamin Dierberg) 314-707-3172 黄若若(Ruth Miller) 832-518-9779
宣传组(Communication Team): 施航(Hang Shi) 404-421-0746
法律顾问(Attorney):高桐 (Tong Gao)
发起机构与单位(Campaign Organizers:):
参与机构与单位及联系人(Campaign Partners):
Q: 我们是以物资为主还是以捐款为主?
A: 我们主要接受的捐赠方式为资金,同时也接收符合规定的医疗防护用品。筹集到的资金我们将在第一时间采购符合规定的医用防护产品送给需要的防疫第一线机构。
Q: 我们的捐款对象是谁?是否有保障?
A: 我们将选择医院、老人院、警察局、消防局、防疫志愿者等等一线防疫机构/个人为捐款对象,基金会将根据疫情防控的需要专款专用,并及时公布捐赠和资助的项目明细,以便社会监督。
Q: 捐款什么时候结束?
A: 根据疫情发展预定第一期募集截至日期为4月5日中午12:00。之后我们将视事态发展的情况及时进行调整,并及时通知大家。
Q: 如何跟踪监督整个活动的进程?
A: 我们是志愿者发起的志愿活动。但从接受捐款者第一份捐赠资金的那一刻起,我们肩上就负起将捐款用好,管理好的责任。我们除了内部的财务审计要公开通报,争取能够每个星期通过报纸、媒体、网站给大家有一个动态通报。
Q: 捐款是否可以抵税?
A: 圣路易现代中文学校是一个非盈利组织,可以向每一个通过我们这个平台进行捐助的个人、团体提供抵税证明。
A:可以的。请把公司match confirmation email 转给我们,以便及时统计。
Q & A
Q: Is the fundraiser campaign looking for both monetary donations and donations of needed items?
A: At this point we are primarily collecting monetary donations. However, if PPEs or other needed medical supplies are available, with verifiable documentation for use in COVID-19 care, we will consider those too. Our goal is simple—to provide needed supplies and equipment to the frontline agencies/individuals in the most efficient manner.
Q: Who are we donating to? Are they organizations we could trust?
A: Currently our priorities are those working in hospitals and senior centers, police and fire fighters, as well as anyone else for whom social distancing may not be an option. Our committee commits to spending every donation dollar to providing protective gear or any other needed assistance for COVID-19 relief in St. Louis. We will provide regular updates for both donations collected and items donated.
Q: How long will the campaign last?
A: This will ultimately depend on COVID-19's development in the region. We can expect the fight against this virus to be a drawn-out one as well. We plan to end Phase One of the campaign at noon, April 5th. At that point we will reevaluate the needs and determine the next steps.
Q: How can the public monitor and follow up with the campaign?
A: This is a campaign run by volunteers in the St. Louis Chinese American community. As we receive the first and each following donation, we the volunteer team are committed to diligently safeguarding the integrity of the donation process. We will provide weekly, and if needed, daily updates through our local media and online platforms. You can also monitor the amount donated on our website
Q: Are the donations tax-deductible?
A. St. Louis Modern Chinese School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donation is tax deductible. We will provide the needed documentation to all individuals or organizations.
Q: Our company matches donations to St. Louis Modern Chinese school, but the money can't be transferred to you right away. Is that OK?
A: No problem.
Please stay tuned for updates and thank you for your support!!
募资:由各个负责人通过多地多渠道进行募资行动,最后由圣路易现代中文学校统一收集并购买相应医用防护用品捐赠给需要的防疫第一线机构。欢迎大家一起加入。欢迎朋友们群策群力,如有意入群或出谋划策,请与您熟悉的负责人联系。 Donations are now being collected online through a variety of outreach efforts, including other area community organizations, local Chinese news organizations, and social media platform. The Chinese Education and Culture Center in St Louis will collect and purchase the donation items and pass on needed organizations and individuals. We call on all the local community members and organizations to join us with your ideas and donations.
To ensure transparency in our fundraiser campaign, we welcome individuals and organizations to help us safeguard our process. Those interested in volunteering are welcome to join and contribute however you can.
组委会主要联系人及联系方式(Please send your inquiries to one of our volunteer team):
总负责人(Campaign Managers): 黄颖文(Yingwen Huang) 314-452-1322 朱一民(Yimin Zhu) 314-374-3433
财务组(Finance Team): 张柳(Liu Zhang) 636-328-4211 王丽丽(Lili Wang) 636-541-5932 王红霞(Hongxia Wang) 314-250-9996
外联组(Outreach Team): 刘敏(Min Liu) 610-737-5765 南海燕(Helen Nan) 314-308-8142 嘉敏 (Jiamin Dierberg) 314-707-3172 黄若若(Ruth Miller) 832-518-9779
宣传组(Communication Team): 施航(Hang Shi) 404-421-0746
法律顾问(Attorney):高桐 (Tong Gao)
发起机构与单位(Campaign Organizers:):
- 圣路易中华教育文化中心 (Chinese Education and Culture Center in St Louis)
- 圣路易华助中心(Chinese Service Center in St. Louis)
参与机构与单位及联系人(Campaign Partners):
- 圣路易现代中文学校 (St. Louis Modern Chinese School) - 张明惠 636-448-5463 陶东华 314-397-9493 朱晓东 314-757-1109
- 密苏里州北京人协会 (Missouri Beijing Association) - 张明惠 636-448-5463 黄若若(Ruth Miller) 832-518-9779
- 圣路易斯文教服务协会(Chinese Culture and Education Services of St. Louis)- 刘敏 610-737-5765
- 圣路易斯-南京友好城市协会 (St. Louis-Nanjing Sister City Committee) - 王水平, 施航
- 勝跑群 Sheng Runners - 林农, 邓茉莲, 黄健生
- 圣路易斯青少年功夫协会 (St Louis Kungfu Youth Association) - Haiyan Seidel 314-484-5798
- GL International Realty - 吕菁/Gloria Lu 314-766-5888
- 爱心大凉山公益组织(Journey of Hope) - 曾娜
- 圣路易浙江同乡会 (St. Louis Zhejiang Association) - 黄爱雪 314-707-7410 陈余荣 608-395-7315
- 精彩圣路易斯 (Wonderful St. Louis)
- 圣路易斯华盛顿大学中国校友会 - Brendan Du 573-303-6291
- Pan Asia Market
Q: 我们是以物资为主还是以捐款为主?
A: 我们主要接受的捐赠方式为资金,同时也接收符合规定的医疗防护用品。筹集到的资金我们将在第一时间采购符合规定的医用防护产品送给需要的防疫第一线机构。
Q: 我们的捐款对象是谁?是否有保障?
A: 我们将选择医院、老人院、警察局、消防局、防疫志愿者等等一线防疫机构/个人为捐款对象,基金会将根据疫情防控的需要专款专用,并及时公布捐赠和资助的项目明细,以便社会监督。
Q: 捐款什么时候结束?
A: 根据疫情发展预定第一期募集截至日期为4月5日中午12:00。之后我们将视事态发展的情况及时进行调整,并及时通知大家。
Q: 如何跟踪监督整个活动的进程?
A: 我们是志愿者发起的志愿活动。但从接受捐款者第一份捐赠资金的那一刻起,我们肩上就负起将捐款用好,管理好的责任。我们除了内部的财务审计要公开通报,争取能够每个星期通过报纸、媒体、网站给大家有一个动态通报。
Q: 捐款是否可以抵税?
A: 圣路易现代中文学校是一个非盈利组织,可以向每一个通过我们这个平台进行捐助的个人、团体提供抵税证明。
A:可以的。请把公司match confirmation email 转给我们,以便及时统计。
Q & A
Q: Is the fundraiser campaign looking for both monetary donations and donations of needed items?
A: At this point we are primarily collecting monetary donations. However, if PPEs or other needed medical supplies are available, with verifiable documentation for use in COVID-19 care, we will consider those too. Our goal is simple—to provide needed supplies and equipment to the frontline agencies/individuals in the most efficient manner.
Q: Who are we donating to? Are they organizations we could trust?
A: Currently our priorities are those working in hospitals and senior centers, police and fire fighters, as well as anyone else for whom social distancing may not be an option. Our committee commits to spending every donation dollar to providing protective gear or any other needed assistance for COVID-19 relief in St. Louis. We will provide regular updates for both donations collected and items donated.
Q: How long will the campaign last?
A: This will ultimately depend on COVID-19's development in the region. We can expect the fight against this virus to be a drawn-out one as well. We plan to end Phase One of the campaign at noon, April 5th. At that point we will reevaluate the needs and determine the next steps.
Q: How can the public monitor and follow up with the campaign?
A: This is a campaign run by volunteers in the St. Louis Chinese American community. As we receive the first and each following donation, we the volunteer team are committed to diligently safeguarding the integrity of the donation process. We will provide weekly, and if needed, daily updates through our local media and online platforms. You can also monitor the amount donated on our website
Q: Are the donations tax-deductible?
A. St. Louis Modern Chinese School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donation is tax deductible. We will provide the needed documentation to all individuals or organizations.
Q: Our company matches donations to St. Louis Modern Chinese school, but the money can't be transferred to you right away. Is that OK?
A: No problem.
Please stay tuned for updates and thank you for your support!!
SLMCS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donation is tax dedutable.